17th Annual SoFiE Conference 

June 10-12, 2025

Cergy, France

Pre-Conference for Young Scholars - June 9, 2025

Three amazing days with presentations on Financial Econometrics and related areas plus a one-day pre-conference for young scholars. 

The Society for Financial Econometrics in the heart of Paris,

the City of Light.

The conference particularly aims to bridge the gap between empirical asset pricing and financial econometrics. 

Keynote Speakers

Co-Director, The Volatility and Risk Institute and Professor Emeritus of Finance, NYU Stern School of Business 

(Nobel Laureate)

University of Toronto and TSE

Deutsche Bundesbank 

UNSW Sydney and Duke University 

Anders Rahbek

University of Copenhagen 

Halbert White Jr. Memorial JFEC invited lecture 

Federico Bandi, Johns Hopkins University 

Pre-conference Speaker

Michael Wolf, University of Zurich 


ESSEC Business School, Campus of Cergy

3 Avenue Bernard Hirsh, 95000 - Cergy (France)

Located 40 minutes from the center of Paris, the Cergy campus, in the heart of the new town, is an area designed for teaching and research.

First SoFiE conference in France

We hope to see you in Paris next June!

Local Organizers

Andras FULOP

Professor of Finance

ESSEC Business School


Professor of Finance

ESSEC Business School

Andréas HEINEN

Professor of Econometrics

THEMA, CY Cergy Paris Université

Roberto RENO 

Professor of Econometrics

ESSEC Business School


Professor of Information Systems, Decision Sciences and Statistics

ESSEC Business School


Dean of Faculty

Professor of Finance

ESSEC Business School

Program Chairs

Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona School of Economics


 “This work was funded by CY Initiative (grant "Investissements d'Avenir" ANR-16-IDEX-0008)